This little pumpkin speaks to the power of pedigree. Developed by Michael Mazourek, its a cross between two squash varieties - one prizes for its high dry matter, the other for its concentrated sweetness. With such distinguished parents, its no surprise that Robins Koginut stands out on the plate, with a flavor thats sweet, intensely squash-y and totally delicious. Even better, Robins Koginut has a built-in ripeness indicator. Fruit turn from green to bronze on the vine, so farmers know exactly when to pick for peak flavor and nutrition. (Could vine-ripened squash be the new vine-ripened tomato?) ROW 7 SEED COMPANY: Founded by Chef Dan Barber, vegetable breeder Michael Mazourek and organic seedsman Matthew Goldfarb, Row 7 is a seed company grounded in the notion that deliciousness can change the world. Row 7 pairs chefs and plant breeders to develop new varieties of vegetables and grains that make an impact in the soil and at the table, striving to make ingredients taste better before they ever hit a plate.